Fifteen representatives of academia, hydrographic offices and private survey companies from across Northern Europe joined CARIS and the University of Stockholm at the University on 12-16 October 2009 to learn about the CARIS Ping-to-Chart workflow.
Through the five-day workshop, participants gained hands-on experience using CARIS technology across all the workflow stages involved in taking acquired hydrographic survey data, "Ping", through to final product, "Chart".
Among the topics covered were multibeam processing techniques including 3D visualization and on-the-fly editing as well as the new side scan sonar processing techniques using Geocoder for intelligent seafloor classification.
The workshop continued on to cover bathymetric compilation combining third-party source information and data management, database-driven product creation including Electronic Navigational Charts.
Finally, the week concluded with discussions on Internet data distribution and the integration of marine and hydrographic data in a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI).
The next CARIS Ping-to-Chart Workshop will be hosted in the United Kingdom at the University of Southampton on 18-22 January 2010. Please visit or email [email protected] for more information today.
About University of Stockholm
The Ping-to-Chart workshop was organized together with the Department of Geology and Geochemistry at the University of Stockholm. The department is dedicated to teaching, research and outreach focus on planet earth and its different sub-systems. Study areas focuses on geological processes and formation of natural materials, the origin of life, and the evolution of ecosystems through geologic time while research education is concentrated to three main themes: geology, geochemistry and marine geoscience. Please visit to learn more.