Geoscience Australia in Canberra has selected CARIS Bathy DataBASE software for management of large bathymetric data sets, interoperability and distribution.
Geoscience Australia is Australia's national agency for geoscience knowledge and geospatial information. Its knowledge and information contributes to enhanced economic, social and environmental benefits to the community - by providing input for decisions that impact upon resource use, management of the environment, and the safety and well-being of Australians.
Like other national geospatial agencies, Geoscience Australia is facing expanding volumes of raw multibeam survey data, large numbers of archived historical data sources, increased demand for and distribution of products and a desire to make use of new and historical data in the creation of products. In an effort to continue to meet this demand, they are looking to CARIS database-driven technology.
Using Bathy DataBASE software, Geoscience Australia will create and manage bathymetric surfaces generated from full density soundings. In the Ping-to-Chart workflow, Bathy DataBASE sits between data processing and validation and hydrographic data management and production. The software suite will allow Geoscience Australia to validate, prepare and compile bathymetric data from multiple formats and sources. The database storage will also facilitate effective management of the original bathymetry information while providing Geoscience Australia with streamlined tools for bathymetry product creation (i.e. depth contours, depth areas, etc.).