

New Release of Spatial Fusion Enterprise® Offers Support for WFS 2.0

Spatial Fusion Enterprise, the only Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC®) Web Server and Viewer built with distribution of marine geospatial data in mind, has a set of new features providing further improvement to the software's data sharing and analysis tools.

Spatial Fusion® Server (SFS) 5.5 now includes support for OGC® Web Feature Service (WFS) 2.0, which implements GML 3.2.1 Simple Feature Profile 2.0. In addition, Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD) 1.0.0 has been added to OGC® Web Map Service (WMS) 1.1.1. Another new feature provided in SFS is the support of Shapefile as an output format for WFS.

A new feature to Spatial Fusion® Viewer 5.5 is the ability to make individual layers visible, allowing end users to configure their map views.

For more information on how Spatial Fusion Enterprise can benefit your organization, please visit our website at or contact [email protected]

Published 2011-07-15

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