CARIS, the world’s leading marine GIS organization, has announced the release of HPD 2.9, their advanced database chart production software. HPD is part of a range of software that together makes-up the unique CARIS Ping-to-Chart solution.
Enhancements to the software have been made to all the components of the HPD suite, including the HPD Server, Source Editor, Product Editor and Paper Chart Editor. One of the most significant changes has been to the speed of processing from the Compare Product to Source process. Tests have shown that this process is now 44-554% faster than in the HPD 2.8 version. This will provide organizations with significant savings in time, which is crucial for hydrographic charting organizations that wish to make efficiencies.
"We have made many improvements to all areas of the HPD suite of software, including interoperability with other software in our Ping-to-Chart solution, new validation checks in the quality assurance procedures when creating charts, and much greater functionality in the way our customers can present their charts in Paper Chart Editor," said Julien Barbeau, HPD product manager at CARIS.
For more information on how a database solution to chart production can benefit your organization, please visit or contact [email protected]