Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey (GMGS) recently visited CARIS headquarters in Fredericton, New Brunswick for bathymetric data analysis and management training using CARIS Bathy DataBASE.
GMGS, located in Guangzhou, China, is one of the primary institutions under the China Geological Survey (CGS) and is responsible for conducting marine geology surveys. Presently, GMGS has five survey vessels, which includes the newly built Hai Yang Liu Hao vessel. The Hai Yang Liu Hao has the most advanced equipment and latest facilities in China for marine resources investigation, mineral exploration and scientific research in oceans and other bodies of water.
GMGS has implemented multiple CARIS HIPS and SIPS Professional licenses for hydrographic data processing since 2008. With large amounts of data being acquired and more surveys to be conducted, GMGS selected Bathy DataBASE for effective bathymetric data analysis and management.
While at CARIS headquarters, the training session focused on bathymetric compilation, analysis, 3D visualization, database management and product creation using CARIS Bathy DataBASE. Other topics covered during GMGS' visit included an overview of the latest implementation of Water Column Imaging in HIPS and SIPS and bathymetric data distribution via the web using Spatial Fusion Enterprise.
The expanded use of CARIS technology by GMGS will assist them in achieving their goals for efficient marine geological surveys and scientific research.