The University of Vigo in Spain, recently acquired a small vessel to carry out their own surveys and projects for research purposes. The University is already an existing CARIS HIPS and SIPS user and is planning on going further into data processing and quality control using the new vessel.
To support their plans, CARIS BV's Nolwenn Collouard recently visited the University to conduct a training course on the new CARIS HIPS and SIPS 8.0 release. Acoustics technicians from the Marine Technology Unit within the Higher Council for Scientific Research in Spain and professors from the Marine Sciences Department at the University of Vigo attended the course.
The goal for the Ministry of Sciences and Technologies was to obtain more knowledge and hands-on experience with data processing using HIPS. During the training course, topics covered included multibeam data processing, water column imaging, backscatter processing techniques and the new calibration interface.