

Upcoming Bathy DataBASE 4.0 training in Australia

CARIS is pleased to offer marine and hydrographic professionals in the Asia Pacific region CARIS Bathy DataBASE 4.0 training in Adelaide, Australia from October 31 – November 2, 2012. The training course will be a comprehensive hands-on session on the leading system for managing and analyzing bathymetry data.

The course will focus on the use of tools for importing, validating, analyzing and extracting bathymetric data, on the compilation and management of bathymetric datasets, and on the extraction of bathymetric products. Users will also go through the creation and administration of databases for bathymetric data.

Registration deadline is Friday, October 19, 2012. For more information and to register visit the Bathy DataBASE 4.0 training in Australia web page or email [email protected].

Published 2012-10-11

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