

Kongsberg and CARIS team up for Brazil workshop

Snipper and his Remus 100 at the Kongsberg/CARIS workshop.Kongsberg and CARIS recently delivered a successful workshop in Rio de Janeiro at the offices of Diretoria de Hidrografia e Navegação (DHN). The workshop was attended by 50 individuals from the Navy, Petrobras, Survey Companies and Brazilian Universities.

The workshop had two main themes: an introduction to the Kongsberg GeoSwath Plus sonar system and an introduction to Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV). Dr. Martin Gutowski of Kongsberg was on hand to show the attendees the intricacies of the Kongsberg GeoSwath Plus sonar system through a series of boat demonstrations and classroom sessions. CARIS’ Eduardo Infante then provided in depth instruction on processing Geoswath Plus data in CARIS HIPS and SIPS.

Kongsberg’s Rick Morton explained the finer points of the popular Remus range of AUVs. The sophisticated Hugin AUV was also described in detail by Kongsberg’s Svein Otto Schjerven with explanations on how this technology can be valuable for mine counter measures. AUV processing techniques were also explored with the CARIS technical team.

In addition there were insightful presentations from Kongsberg Seatex on navigation systems and post processing of water column data using the latest CARIS tools.

"The workshop was a great success," said workshop organizer, Jan Haug Kristensen of Kongsberg. "This was an excellent opportunity for information exchange which is key to understanding this type of technology." He then went on to thank DHN, "I would especially like to thank Commander Aluizio Oliveira for making this workshop happen and to all of DHN for being wonderful hosts."

The workshop concluded with the launch of the Remus AUV on a real world mission to locate a lost anchor. It wasn’t long before the Remus returned, the data was analyzed and the anchor was found. Good work by Kongsberg Field Technician “Snipper” a.k.a. Andrew Gelder, mission accomplished!

For more information contact Jan Haug Kristensen [email protected] at Kongsberg and Andy Hoggarth [email protected] at CARIS.

Published 2012-10-11

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