Attribute: Information

Acronym: INFORM

Code: 102

Attribute type: S


Textual information about the object.

ENC Condition:

# For CTNARE and PRCARE objects, at least one of attributes INFORM or TXTDSC must be encoded.

# For S-57 Edition 3.1.1 ARCSLN, ASLXIS and NEWOBJ objects, and RESARE objects with CATREA=27 or 28, at least one of attributes INFORM or TXTDSC must be encoded.


INT 1: IA 16;

S-4: 242.3-5;


The textual information could be, for example, a list, a table or a text.

This attribute should be used, for example, to hold the information that is shown on paper charts by cautionary and explanatory notes.

No formatting of text is possible within INFORM. If formatted text is required, then the attribute TXTDSC must be used.