- fixed: a signal light that shows continuously,
in any given direction, with constant luminous intensity and colour. (IHO Dictionary,
S-32, 5th Edition, 2780)
- flashing: a rhythmic light in which the total
duration of light in a period is clearly shorter than the total duration of darkness and
all the appearances of light are of equal duration. (IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition,
- long-flashing: a flashing light in which a
single flash of not less than two seconds duration is regularly repeated. (IHO Dictionary,
S-32, 5th Edition, 2796)
- quick-flashing: a light exhibiting without
interruption very rapid regular alternations of light and darkness. (IHO Dictionary, S-32,
5th Edition, 2803)
- very quick flashing: a flashing light in which
flashes are repeated at a rate of not less than 80 flashes per minute but less than 160
flashes per minute.
- ultra quick flashing: a flashing light in which
flashes are repeated at a rate of not less than 160 flashes per minute.
- isophased: a light with all durations of light
and darkness equal. (IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 2779)
- occulting: a rhythmic light in which the total
duration of light in a period is clearly longer than the total duration of darkness and
all the eclipses are of equal duration. (IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 2801)
- interrupted quick flashing: a quick light in
which the sequence of flashes is interrupted by regularly repeated eclipses of constant
and long duration. (IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 2790)
- interrupted very quick flashing: a light in
which the very rapid alterations of light and darkness are interrupted at regular
intervals by eclipses of long duration. (IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 2792)
- interrupted ultra quick flashing: a light in
which the ultra quick flashes (160 or more per minute) are interrupted at regular
intervals by eclipses of long duration. (IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 2791)
- morse: a rhythmic light in which appearances
of light of two clearly different durations are grouped to represent a character or
characters in the Morse code. (IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 2798)
- alternating: a signal light that shows, in any
given direction, two or more colours in a regularly repeated sequence with a regular
periodicity. (IHO Dictionary, S-32, 5th Edition, 2770)