Attribute: Colour

Acronym: COLOUR

Code: 75

Attribute Type: L

ENC Condition:

# Must be encoded for all LIGHTS objects, except air obstruction lights or fog detector lights.

Expected input:

ID Meaning INT 1 S-4
1 white IP 11.1 450.2-3
2 black
3 red IP 11.2 450.2-3
4 green IP 11.3 450.2-3
5 blue IP 11.4 450.2-3
6 yellow IP 11.6 450.2-3
7 grey
8 brown
9 amber IP 11.8 450.2-3
10 violet IP 11.5 450.2-3
11 orange IP 11.7 450.2-3
12 magenta
13 pink

Remarks: No remarks.

Object Classes that use COLOUR