This section outlines the general usage of the BDB Server module.
Connect to a BDB Server¶
The following will create a simple connection to a running BDB Server (Node Manager):
from import *
user = 'dba'
passwd = 'sql'
base_uri = 'http://localhost:8080'
nm = NodeManager(user, passwd, base_uri)
Retrieve a list of databases¶
The following will retrieve and display a list of databases registered on the server:
from import *
user = 'dba'
passwd = 'sql'
base_uri = 'http://localhost:8080'
nm = NodeManager(user, passwd, base_uri)
for db in nm.databases:
print(db + ' (' + str(nm.get_database_state(db)) + ')')
Query a database¶
A query is applied to a running Database
and returns a list of Feature
objects which meet that query criteria.
Simple query¶
The most basic database query retrieves all features of a chosen type from a running database:
from import *
user = 'dba'
passwd = 'sql'
base_uri = 'http://localhost:8080'
nm = NodeManager(user, passwd, base_uri)
db = nm.get_database('Global_DB')
features = db.query('surfac')
for feature in features:
print( print feature id
Queries return FeatureRange
objects. FeatureRanges
are single-pass Iterators that return Feature
This means that it can only be iterated over once before the FeatureRange
object is destroyed and for this reason, there is no len() function defined on a FeatureRange
This iterator is single-pass for performance reasons in case there are too many objects returned from a query. If a
or set of Features
to be referenced after iterating through the FeatureRange
then you must keep individual references or store references in a container. Examples:
# find a single feature
my_feature = None
for feature in database.query('surfac'):
if feature['OBJNAM'] == 'MyFeature':
# or store a reference to it for later
my_feature = feature
# store all features in a collection for later
my_features = []
for feature in database.query('surfac'):
print('Number of features: {}'.format(len(my_features)))
Query by attribute¶
A CQL query can be added to filter for attributes with specific values:
from import *
user = 'dba'
passwd = 'sql'
base_uri = 'http://localhost:8080'
nm = NodeManager(user, passwd, base_uri)
db = nm.get_database('Global_DB')
cql = "OBJNAM = 'my_surface'"
features = db.query('surfac', cql)
for feature in features:
print( # print feature id
Query by polygon¶
A Database
can also be queried by polygon:
from import *
import caris
user = 'dba'
passwd = 'sql'
base_uri = 'http://localhost:8080'
nm = NodeManager(user, passwd, base_uri)
db = nm.get_database('Global_DB')
polygon = """POLYGON((-004.153110200 50.333355300,
-004.147552500 50.333200600,
-004.147310900 50.326781500,
-004.153714300 50.327400300,
-004.153110200 50.333355300))"""
geometry = caris.Geometry(, polygon)
features = db.query('surfac', CQL=cql, intersects=geometry)
for feature in features:
print( # print feature id
Any object which intersects the query geometry will be returned, not just objects that fall within the geometry.
Described geometry can be defined in the Well-known text markup language (, and the object type must be a (closed) Polygon. The Attribute and Polygon queries can be combined into a complex query.
Get a Feature by Id¶
Any feature can be retrieved via it’s unqiue Id:
from import *
user = 'dba'
passwd = 'sql'
base_uri = 'http://localhost:8080'
nm = NodeManager(user, passwd, base_uri)
db = nm.get_database('Global_DB')
feature_code = 'surfac'
id = '9245b052-634c-11e7-8dcf-1866da47ee87'
feature = db.get_feature(feature_code, id)
Edits on databases or database objects are done implicitly through transactions. When creating features, editing object attributes, attachments, geometries, etc, tasks are sent and batched up on the database.
The changes are not persisted until Dataset.commit
is called. If the changes need to be cancelled, the Dataset.rollback
can be called.
db = NodeManager('dba','secretpassword', 'localhost').get_database('bathydb')
# create a couple of features and set some attributes
geom = caris.Geometry(, 'POLYGON((0 0, 0 1, 1 1, 1 0, 0 0))')
feature1 = db.create_feature('surfac', geom)
feature1['OBJNAM'] = 'Feature1'
feature2 =db.create_feature('surfac', geom)
feature2['OBJNAM'] = 'Feature2'
# commit the changes
# make some other changes
feature1['OBJNAM'] = 'ToBeReverted'
new_geom = caris.Geometry(, 'POLYGON((1 1, 0 2, 2 2, 2 1, 1 1))')
feature2.geometry = new_geom
#rollback the changes
Uploading coverages is not done through transactions. They are stored immediately so rollbacks are not supported and Dataset.commit
does not need to be called.
Metadata on objects in the database can be read, added, modified and removed, providing the login credentials used to connect to the server have permission for these actions. Below is an example of the command used to retrieve metadata:
from import *
user = 'dba'
passwd = 'sql'
base_uri = 'http://localhost:8080'
nm = NodeManager(user, passwd, base_uri)
db = nm.get_database('Global_DB')
features = db.query('surfac')
for feature in features:
# you can iterate over a feature to view it's attributes
for attribute in feature:
print('{} - {}'.format(attribute, feature[attribute]))
# you can also retrieve an attribute dictionary reference
attributes = feature.attributes
# do something with it
Metadata from a Feature
object is returned as an attribute dictionary. Attribute values can be
read, assigned or replaced within this dictionary. Changes are only saved when commit() is called on the Database:
feature_code = 'surfac'
id = '9245b052-634c-11e7-8dcf-1866da47ee87'
feature = db.get_feature(feature_code, boid)
# display the object name
# set an attribute value
feature.atrributes['INFORM'] = 'Test'
feature.attributes['DUNITS'] = 'metres'
# commit the changes
For enumerated lists, these attributes can be described by either list number or list text. In the example
above, DUNITS
has a list value of 1
, which corresponds to the description, metres
. When retrieving
metadata, the attribute will report a value of 1
. When assigning a value to DUNITS
, either 1
can be used.
#these statements are equivalent
feature.attributes['DUNITS'] = 'metres'
feature.attributes['DUNITS'] = '1'
Working with data¶
For each feature in a database, a CSAR file can be be stored and downloaded containing the stored bathymetry, in either grid or point cloud format. This holds true regardless of the original source format when the data was loaded into the Server as the data is converted and stored in the CSAR format.
Download a Coverage¶
The coverage object (Raster
, Cloud
, or VRS
) can be retrieved via the Feature.coverage
attribute. The coverage data can be downloaded to a CSAR file via create_copy
from import *
import caris.coverage
username = 'dba'
password = 'sql'
base_uri = 'http://localhost:8080'
nm = NodeManager(username, password, base_uri)
db = nm.get_database('Global_DB')
feature_code = 'surfac'
id = '9245b052-634c-11e7-8dcf-1866da47ee87'
feature = db.get_feature(feature_code, id)
coverage = feature.coverage
A coverage object can also be downloaded via a BDB URI as seen in the following example.
from import *
import caris.coverage
import caris
# URI format: http://username:password@hostname/v1/feature/datastores/bathydatabasename/datasets/featurecode/features/featureid
uri = 'http://dba:sql@localhost/v1/feature/datastores/apiguard/datasets/surfac/features/b69061bc-a43f-11e7-8000-1866da47ee87'
# Use the appropriate constructor for the dataset: Raster, Cloud, or VRS
coverage = caris.coverage.Raster(uri=uri)
Note that when opening a coverage via a BDB URI, importing both and caris.coverage is required.
Replace a Coverage¶
The coverage stored in a DatabaeFeature
object can be replaced at any time. Any change to the stored coverage will cause an automatic update to the boundary that represents the surface object, ensuring it coinsides with the current bathymetric data.
from import *
from caris.coverage import *
user = 'dba'
passwd = 'sql'
base_uri = 'http://localhost:8080'
nm = NodeManager(user, passwd, base_uri)
db = nm.get_database('Global_DB')
feature_code = 'surfac'
id = '9245b052-634c-11e7-8dcf-1866da47ee87'
surface = db.get_feature(feature_code, id)
# it can take a path to a CSAR file
# or it can take a caris.coverage.Raster|Cloud|VRS
raster = Raster('C:\raster.csar')
Upload a new Coverage¶
The upload coverage operation resembles a replace bathymetry command, with an additional step of creating the database feature and setting the default metadata.
from import *
import caris
user = 'dba'
passwd = 'sql'
base_uri = 'http://localhost:8080'
# get the database
nm = NodeManager(user, passwd, base_uri)
db = nm.get_database('Global_DB')
# create a feature
crs =
dummy_polygon = 'POLYGON((0 0,0 1,1 1,1 0,0 0))'
geom = caris.Geometry(crs, dummy_polygon)
surface = db.create_feature('surfac', geom)
# set some metadata
surface['OBJNAM'] = 'my_surface'
# commit the feature to the database
# upload a coverage
The first step is to create a new database feature to store the bathymetry. To add a new object, geometry must be provided for this object when it is created. If the upload fails or no upload is performed, this geometry will be representative of the object in the database. In this instance, a simple 1-pixel polygon is used temporarily. A better practice is to use a minimum bounding rectangle (MBR), which is the behaviour found in BASE Editor when uploading a new surface object.
A Feature must be commited to the database by calling db.commit
before a coverage can be uploaded to it.
After creating the new Dataset
object, CSAR (or other supported format) data can be
uploaded to the object. Once complete, metadata for this object can optionally be set.
Through the Python interface, only the system attributes of an object are defined. All other attributes,
including OBJNAM
, must be defined by the user when a new object is created. A standard practice for defining
in BASE Editor is to use the filename without the file extension, as shown in the above example.
Working with Attachments¶
A Feature
object can have any number of attachments, which are stored in the file system on the BDB Server node
location (potentially separate from the back-end database, PostgreSQL or Oracle). Attachments can be accessed
directly from a surface object returned from a database.
See the following:
from import *
user = 'dba'
passwd = 'sql'
base_uri = 'http://localhost:8080'
nm = NodeManager(user, passwd, base_uri)
db = nm.get_database('Global_DB')
feature_code = 'surfac'
id = '9245b052-634c-11e7-8dcf-1866da47ee87'
surface = db.get_feature(feature_code, id)
if surface.attachments:
for attachment in surface.attachments:
print( + ' ' + attachment.size)
Attachments can be downloaded and uploaded in the same manner as bathymetry.
from import *
user = 'dba'
passwd = 'sql'
base_uri = 'http://localhost:8080'
nm = NodeManager(user, passwd, base_uri)
db = nm.get_database('Global_DB')
feature_code = 'surfac'
id = '9245b052-634c-11e7-8dcf-1866da47ee87'
surface = db.get_feature(feature_code, id)
surface.download_attachment('my_document.pdf', 'D:/my_document.pdf')
Examining the Catalogue¶
The Database's
catalogue can be retrieved and examined to view to view definitions of object and attributes.
from import *
import caris
user = 'dba'
passwd = 'sql'
base_uri = 'http://localhost:8080'
nm = NodeManager(user, passwd, base_uri)
db = nm.get_database('Global_DB')
catalogue = db.catalogue
for feature_def in catalogue.definitions:
for attribute_code in feature_def.attributes:
attribute_def = feature_def.attributes[attribute_code]
# list type attributes are modelled differently
if (type(attribute_def)) == caris.AttributeDefinitionDictionary:
attribute_def = attribute_def['Value']
print('Code: {}, Type:'.format(attribute_def.code))
# list expected values of enum/list types
if type(attribute_def) == caris.EnumType:
print('Expected Values:')
for value in attribute_def.type.possible_values:
print('\t{} - {}'.format(value, attribute_def.type.possible_values[value]))
Error handling¶
Any errors returned from BDB are passed to Python as RunTimeError exceptions, which can be intercepted using Python syntax. The returned exception will contain the error code and description from BDB. In the following example, this error number and description is replaced with a simplified description of the problem when reported to the user:
from import *
user = 'dba'
passwd = 'sql'
base_uri = 'http://localhost:8080'
a_server = None
#connect to node
a_server = NodeManager(user, passwd, host)
except RuntimeError as e:
if "Error code = 30" in str(e):
sys.exit("Error: Login information incorrect or account disabled.")
db = None
db = a_server.get_database('Global_DB')
except RuntimeError as e:
if "Error code = 21" in str(e):
sys.exit("Error: Database does not exist")
elif "Error code = 29" in str(e):
sys.exit("Error: Database not started.")