Attribute: Category of light

Acronym: CATLIT

Code: 37

Attribute Type: L

ENC Condition:

# Must be encoded for all LIGHTS objects that are air obstruction lights or fog detector lights.

Expected input:

ID Meaning INT 1 S-4
1 directional function IP 30.1-3 475.7
2 rear/upper light
3 front/lower light
4 leading light IP 20.1-3 475.6
5 aero light IP 60 476.1
6 air obstruction light IP 61 476.2
7 fog detector light IP 62 477
8 flood light IP 63 478.2
9 strip light IP 64 478.5
10 subsidiary light IP 42 471.8
11 spotlight
12 front
13 rear
14 lower
15 upper
16 moir� effect IP 31 475.8
17 emergency
18 bearing light
19 horizontally disposed
20 vertically disposed

Remarks: Marine light (a light intended primarily for marine navigation) is not included in the above list. All light s are considered to be marine lights unless the attribute ‘category of light’ indicates otherwise.

Object Classes that use CATLIT